You can contact us either by phone
between 8am & 8pm CST
@ (630) 231-3956
Sometimes, it’s easier to call.
And in today’s impersonal World….it’s kind of nice to actually talk to the people
who can answer your questions!
or you can place an order or communicate with us
by snail mail with the USPS

PO Box 971
West Chicago, IL 60189
We are sorry, but we do not communicate by email. It is not that we are technologically challenged… rather we are realistic. Time is at a premium… what with all the critters, job schedules, family obligations, and the whirring of the Snuggle Sack sewing machine, answering email would be a logistical nightmare. That would violate our desire to respond to all hedgehog questions and and inquiries presented to us.
At HEDGEHOGS by Vickie, we have a simple philosophy:
“Only our hedgehogs receive more attention than you!”
Please do not hesitate to call us! If you get our answering machine, be assured that we check our messages frequently, and will respond quickly to all questions and/or orders.
If ordering through our post office box, please know that we are at the post office so often that all the postal workers know our names! Your order will always be processed within a day or so of being received.